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Datalogic Skorpio™ X3通用型移动数据采集终端

Datalogic Skorpio™ X3通用型移动数据采集终端

与同类产品相比,泡芙APP直播下载安装Skorpio™ X3配 有超大高清彩色图像触摸显示屏(3.2英寸),令用户工作起来更加高效。三种不同的键盘类 型(50键的字母数字全键盘,38键的功能型键 盘,28键的数字键盘)有助于快速输入数据。 还有两种标准型操作系统:Microsoft Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 或 windows ces 6.0可供选择。

Skorpio X3是一款特别为店铺货架和店内后仓等 零售及仓储环境的移动商业解决方案而设计的坚 固耐用型泡芙APP直播下载安装。在业界拥有更佳的人体 工学设计, Skorpio X3在保持了设备可靠性和 耐用性的前提下更大限度降低了操作人员的疲劳 度,同时在抵御恶劣环境、抗跌落、抗震动和抗 滚落方面有出色的表现。带手柄的机型耐用和舒适的手柄。体积小重量轻的结合提供了更佳的平衡性和卓越的握持舒适度。

泡芙APP直播下载安装Skorpio X3内置的无线通讯功能 (蓝牙,IEEE 802.11 a/b/g)使设备与信息系统 能快速沟通和完整交互,包括兼容的无线安 全协议如:WPA™ 和WPA2™。此外,兼容思科CCX V4认证许可的无线局域网模块让Skorpio X3 在使用思科无线局域网架构时颇具优势。

  • 超大高清彩色图像触摸显示屏
  • 带Datalogic绿点技术的 激光扫描引擎和宽二维影像 式引擎,提供读取成功的反 馈功能紧凑,轻巧和耐用
  • Microsoft Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5和 Microsoft windows ces 6.0 操作系统
  • 内嵌Summit 802.11 a/b/g企 业级无线局域网接入模块,通 过CCX V4 认证Bluetooth® 2.0 蓝牙无线通 信功能
  • 1.5米(5英尺)抗摔
  • IP64防护等级
  • 预装已授权的Wavelink® Avalanche™
  • 预授权Wavelink® Terminal Emulation终端仿真软件 (仅限带手柄机型)
  • 预授权的Pal库存管理应用 软件
  • 可拆卸手柄

局域网 (WLAN) Summit IEEE 802.11 a/b/g
频率范围: 视乎不同国家而定, 一般为2.4和 5.2 GHz 集成模块;
思科 CCX v4 无线加密认证
个人局域网 (WPAN) Bluetooth® 蓝牙无线 IEEE 802.15 Class 2 带 EDR

一维码/线性码 对所有标准一维码包括GS1 DataBar™线性码可自动区分和译码
二维码 Aztec Code, Data Matrix, MaxiCode,QR Code, UPU FICS, USPS Intelligent Mail
邮政码 Australian Post, Japan Post, KIX Code,Planet, Postnet, Royal Mail Code(RM4SCC)
堆栈码 Micro PDF, PDF417

电池 可替换式充电锂离子电池.
快速充电可使用设备自带的 micro-USB接口
标准电池: 3.7 V; 3,000 mAh (11.1 瓦时)
扩展电池: 3.7 V; 5,200 mAh (19.2 瓦时)

抗摔度 可承受多次从 1.5米/5.0英寸高处跌落至水泥地面的冲击
防护等级 IP64标准防尘防水
温度 操作温度: -10 至 50 ºC
贮存温度: -20 至 70 ºC

接口 USB1.1主机端接口,USB 1.1 客户端接口,速率高达115.2 Kbps 的集成RS-232接口,仅用于充电的Micro-USB接口, 无数据通讯功能.以太网口: 通过单槽通讯座 (外接模块) 和多槽通讯座通讯

尺寸 手持式: 19.3 x 7.6 x 4.2 厘米 (键盘大小:6.1 x 3.5 cm) 枪柄式: 19.3 x 7.6 x 15.6 厘米
显示屏 TFT 半透反射式液晶显示屏,分辨率QVGA 240 x 320, 带背光,集成触摸屏,屏幕对角 3.2英寸

键盘 带背光的50键-字母数字全键盘,38键-功能型键盘,28键-数字键盘
重量 手持式: 392 克
枪柄式: 482 克均为含电池重量

影像式扫描 成功读取反馈: Datalogic的‘绿点’ 技术提供成功读取反馈功能。光学分辨率: 线性条码: 4 mils; 二维条码:5 mils; 扫描速率: 更大60 帧/秒扫描距离: 3.5 到 41.5 厘米 / 1.4 到 16.4英寸, 视乎条码密度和类型而定。带Datalogic绿点 的宽二维影像式扫描引擎
激光式扫描 扫描距离: 4.0 到 82.0 厘米 / 1.5 到 32.3英寸, 视乎条码密度和类型而定。成功读取反馈: Datalogic的‘绿点’ 技术提供成功读取反馈功能。光学分辨率: 0.10毫米(4 mils);扫描速率: 104 +/- 12 /秒带绿点的标准型激光扫描引擎(SPL)

协处理器 Cortex-M3, 32 bit @ 72 MHz
扩展槽 Micro Secure Digital slot (SDHC) 高达32 GB
微处理器 XScale PXA310 @ 624 MHz
存储器 系统内存(RAM): 256 MB
系统闪存(ROM) 512 MB (部分用于固件和保留的数据,这取决于操作系统)
操作系统 Microsoft windows ces 6.0 同Microsoft WordPad 和 Internet Explorer 6.0; Microsoft Windows Embedded ; Handheld 6.5 with mobiles Tools: Outlook mobiles, Word mobiles, Excel mobiles, PowerPoint mobiles, One Note mobiles 和 Internet Explorer mobiles 6.0

Skorpio X3 Models and Kits
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Multi-Purpose imager w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5 942350032
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Multi-Purpose imager w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0 942350029
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5 942350026
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0 942350024
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Std Laser w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5 942350004
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Std Laser w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0 942350001
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Wide aspect imager w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5 942350008
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Wide aspect imager w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0 942350006
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 38-Key Functional, Multi-Purpose imager w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0 942350030
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 38-Key Functional, Std Laser w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0 942350011
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0 942350025
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Wide aspect imager w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0 942350007
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Multi-Purpose imager w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5 942350033
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Multi-Purpose imager w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0 942350031
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5 942350027
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Std Laser w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5 942350005
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Std Laser w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0 942350003
Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Wide aspect imager w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5 942350009
Skorpio X3 Hand held, Batch, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Std Laser w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0 942350002
Skorpio X3 Hand held, Batch, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 38-Key Functional, Std Laser w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0 942350010
Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Functional Numeric, Multi-Purpose imager w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0, Extended battery 942400020
Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Functional Numeric, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0, Extended battery 942400015
Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Functional Numeric, Std Laser w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0 942400014
Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Multi-Purpose imager w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0, Extended battery 942400017
Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0, Extended battery 942400011
Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Std Laser w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0 942400001
Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 38-Key Functional, Multi-Purpose imager w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5, Extended battery 942400021
Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 38-Key Functional, Multi-Purpose imager w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0, Extended battery 942400018
Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 38-Key Functional, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5 942400016
Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 38-Key Functional, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0, Extended battery 942400012
Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 38-Key Functional, Std Laser w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0 942400003
Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Multi-Purpose imager w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0, Extended battery 942400019
Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0, Extended battery 942400013
Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Std Laser w Green Spot, windows ces 6.0 942400002

MBC & 4 Slot Chargers EofC 2 Days Comprehensive, 1 Year Renewal ZSC2MBCC1
MBC & 4 Slot Chargers EofC 2 Days Comprehensive, 3 Years ZSC2MBC31
MBC & 4 Slot Chargers EofC 2 Days Comprehensive, 5 Years ZSC2MBC51
MBC & 4 Slot Chargers EofC 5 Days, 1 Year Renewal ZSN5MBCC1
MBC & 4 Slot Chargers EofC 5 Days, 3 Years ZSN5MBC31
MBC & 4 Slot Chargers EofC 5 Days, 5 Years ZSN5MBC51
MBC & 4 Slot Chargers EofC Overnight Replacement Comprehensive 5 Years ZSC1MBC51
MBC & 4 Slot Chargers EofC Overnight Replacement Comprehensive, 1 Year Renewal ZSC1MBCC1
MBC & 4 Slot Chargers EofC Overnight Replacement Comprehensive, 3 Years ZSC1MBC31
Multi Slot Docks EofC 2 Days Comprehensive, 1 Year Renewal ZSC24SDC1
Multi Slot Docks EofC 2 Days Comprehensive, 3 Years ZSC24SD31
Multi Slot Docks EofC 2 Days Comprehensive, 5 Years ZSC24SD51
Multi Slot Docks EofC 5 Days, 1 Year Renewal ZSN54SDC1
Multi Slot Docks EofC 5 Days, 3 Years ZSN54SD31
Multi Slot Docks EofC 5 Days, 5 Years ZSN54SD51
Multi Slot Docks EofC Overnight Replacement Comprehensive 1 Year Renewal ZSC14SDC1
Multi Slot Docks EofC Overnight Replacement Comprehensive 3 Years ZSC14SD31
Multi Slot Docks EofC Overnight Replacement Comprehensive 5 Years ZSC14SD51
Single Dock EofC 2 Days Comprehensive, 1 Year Renewal ZSC21SDC1
Single Dock EofC 2 Days Comprehensive, 3 Years ZSC21SD31
Single Dock EofC 2 Days Comprehensive, 5 Years ZSC21SD51
Single Dock EofC 5 Days, 1 Year Renewal ZSN51SDC1
Single Dock EofC 5 Days, 3 Years ZSN51SD31
Single Dock EofC 5 Days, 5 Years ZSN51SD51
Single Dock EofC 5 Days, Annual ZSN51SD11
Single Dock EofC Overnight Replacement Comprehensive 1 Year Renewal ZSC11SDC1
Single Dock EofC Overnight Replacement Comprehensive 3 Years ZSC11SD31
Single Dock EofC Overnight Replacement Comprehensive 5 Years ZSC11SD51
Skorpio X3, EofC 2 Days Comprehensive, 1 Year Renewal ZSC2SK3C1
Skorpio X3, EofC 2 Days Comprehensive, 3 Years ZSC2SK331
Skorpio X3, EofC 2 Days Comprehensive, 5 Years ZSC2SK351
Skorpio X3, EofC 5 Days, 1 Year Renewal ZSN5SK3C1
Skorpio X3, EofC 5 Days, 3 Years ZSN5SK331
Skorpio X3, EofC 5 Days, 5 Years ZSN5SK351
Skorpio X3, EofC Overnight Replacement Comprehensive, 1 Year Renewal ZSC1SK3C1
Skorpio X3, EofC Overnight Replacement Comprehensive, 3 Years ZSC1SK331
Skorpio X3, EofC Overnight Replacement Comprehensive, 5 Years ZSC1SK351


Multi Ethernet Dock, recharges 4 terminals and 4 spare batteries. (Requires Power Supply 94ACC1385) 94A150055

Single Slot Desk Mount Dock with Spare Battery Charging Slot. High-Retention USB-R Type B (client only) and an RS232 port. Includes Power Supply with Regional Plugs and USB Cable 94A150062

Single Slot Desk Mount Dock with Spare Battery Charging Slot.High-Retention USB-R Type B (client only) and an RS232 port. (Requires Power Supply 94ACC1381) 94A150067

Battery, 3000 mAh Standard Capacity, Skorpio X3 94ACC0048
Battery, 5200 mAh High Capacity, Skorpio X3 94ACC0046
Multi Battery Charger, recharges 4 spare batteries. (Requires Power Supply 94ACC1385) 94A150034
Multi Charge Only Dock, recharges 4 terminals and 4 spare batteries. (Requires Power Supply 94ACC1385) 94A150032

Adapter, from PMD car Adapter to device (to supply power from the cigarette lighter to device. The 94A051975 is required) 94A051976
Cable for dock-PC (RS232) communication 94A051020
Cable for PC (RS232) communication 94A051022
Cable from device (Handylink) to female DB9 RS232. Null Modem Cable. Connects to PC. 2m straight cable 94A051972
Cable from device (Handylink) to female USB. Device works as host. Connects to printers or most other peripherals. 15cm straight cable 94A051971
Cable from device (Handylink) to male DB9 RS232. Straight through cable, Power on Pin 9 (5V @ 500mA). Connects to printers, scanners, or most other peripherals. 15cm straight cable 94A051973
Cable from device (Handylink) to USB. Device works as client. Connects to PC, 2m straight cable 94A051970
Cable from Micro USB (device or dock) to female USB. Device works as host. 1m straight. 94A051969
Cable from Micro USB (device or dock) to USB. Device works as client. 2m straight cable. Included with Elf device or Falcon X3 dock. 94A051968
Car adapter for PMD 2m straight cable(to supply power to PMD from the cigarette lighter. Already included in the PMD box) 94A051975
Handylink quick-disconnect audio cable for VR12 headsets 94A050037

Belt Holster for Skorpio X3 (it fits both handheld and pistol grip configurations, belt clip included, belt not included) 94ACC0050
Heavy duty belt for use with Skorpio X3 belt holster (2.7m in length, adjustable) 94ACC0076
Shoulder Strap (5 pcs) 94ACC1240
Softcase for Skorpio X3 (it fits both handheld and pistol grip configurations, belt clip and shoulder strap not included) 94ACC0051

Handle with Mounting Screws, Skorpio X3 94ACC0043
Hand-strap, Skorpio X3 94ACC0049
Lanyard to tether the Skorpio X3 or Falcon X3 to the wrist. Included with pistol grip models 94ACC0081
Module, Ethernet Communication for Single Slot Dock 94ACC0079
Module, Modem Communication for Single Slot Dock. 94ACC1372
Quick release belt clip for Skorpio X3, 10 Pack. Includes bolt and screw to be fixed to device. included with all handheld models 94ACC0045
Rubber Boot, Skorpio X3 94ACC0052

Screen Protector for 3.2" display, 5 Pack 94ACC0078
Stylus and Tether Pack for Skorpio X3, 5 pack 94ACC0044
VR12 Headsets. Requires Handylink audio cable 94A050037 95ACC0002

RAM Mount for Vehicle Holder 94ACC0075
Vehicle Holder for Skorpio X3 (it includes the holder and the screws for RAM Mount, it does not include the RAM Mount) 94A150041

Power Cord, 120V AC, IEC/US 95ACC1113
Power Cord, 240V AC, UK 95ACC1213
Power Cord, 3 pin (Euro Plug) - 5 pcs 94ACC1150
Power Cord, AC, IEC/EUR 95A051041
Power Cord, IEC/Australian 95ACC1215
Power Cord, IEC/Japan 95ACC1212
Power Cord,IEC C13, Argentina,ROHS 95ACC1284
Power supply for Multi Battery Charger, 4-Slot Dock. Power line cord has to be ordered separately. 94ACC1385
Power Supply for Single Slot Dock 94ACC1381
Power Supply, Micro USB 94ACC1380

MCL Client License - 1 User 94A101041
MCL Client License - 10 Users 94A101042
MCL Client License - 50 Users 94A101044
MCL Link - 1 Port 94A101021
MCL Link - 4 Multicom ports 94A101022
MCL Link - 8 Multicom ports 94A101023
MCL Net - 5 Users 94A101024
MCL-NET (+5 USERS) 94A101030
MCL-NET (25 USERS) 94A101025
Wavelink Avalanche 1 mobiles Device Mgt. Maintenance 310-MA-AVH1AD ZSS5AVMD1
Wavelink Avalanche Mobility Center (MC) - 1 AP License 210-LI-ME1A00 95A101041
Wavelink Avalanche Mobility Center (MC) - 1 AP Maintenance 210-MA-ME1A00 ZSS5WMM01
Wavelink Avalanche Remote Control & SecurePlus Combo Add-on Solution 310-LI-AVRCCS 95A101116
Wavelink Avalanche Remote Control & SecurePlus Combo Add-on Solution Maintenance 310-MA-AVRCCS ZSS5AVRC2
Wavelink Avalanche Remote Control Add-on Solution 310-LI-AVRC10 94A101075
Wavelink Avalanche Remote Control Add-on Solution Maintenance 310-MA-AVRC10 ZSS5AVRC1
Wavelink Avalanche Secure Plus Add-on Solution 310-LI-AVCE10 94A101083
Wavelink Avalanche Secure Plus Add-on Solution Maintenance 310-MA-AVCE10 ZSS5AVCE1
Wavelink Industrial Browser - Standalone 120-LI-WIBST0 95A101119
Wavelink Industrial Browser - Standalone Annual Maintenance 120-MA-WIBST0 ZSS5IBS01
Wavelink Industrial Browser with purchase of TN 4-in-1 License - Annual Maintenance, 120-MA-WIBWP2 ZSS5IBA01
Wavelink Industrial Browser with purchase of TN 4-in-1 License 120-LI-WIBWP2 95A101121
Wavelink Speakeasy Voice Plug-in for TN 130-LI-VPTNAD 95A101123
Wavelink Speakeasy Voice Plug-in for TN Annual Maintenance 120-MA-VPTNAD ZSS5SPVP1
Wavelink Studio COM Client - 1 Additional User 110-LI-STCU30 95A101021
Wavelink Studio COM Client - 1 Additional User Maintenance 110-MA-STCU30 ZSS5SCC01
Wavelink Studio COM Server (Includes 1 Client License) 110-LI-STCS30 95A101020
Wavelink TN Client for the Datalogic 4-in-1 Device Maintenance 120-MA-GENTN4 ZSS5TNC41
Wavelink TN Client for the Datalogic 4-in-1 Device, with 1st yr maintenance (for non-prelicensed devices) 120-LI-GENTN4 95A101129
Wavelink Velocity Annual Maintenance 140-MA-VELOCC ZSS5VEL01
Wavelink Velocity Client 140-LI-VELOCC 95A101133
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